Saturday 19 November 2011

Um, excuse me?

I'm starting to get used to the fact that going out with Annabelle and Andrew can draw varied types of attention - the stares, the pointing, the whispers behind your back including such thoughtful comments people don't think you can hear like 'I'm glad I'm not having twins' or 'I'm glad that's not me'.
Parents of twins can relate to situations such as these and will tell you that it can be somewhat annoying sometimes.You can get asked a million and one questions;....

'Are they twins?'(Um no- I just decided to have two pregnancies and births over and done within 38 weeks and 2 minutes),
'Are they identical?'(Well, one is a boy and one is a girl..hmmm)
'Are there twins in your family?' (Well there are now!)
'Were they natural (Well, when they were born they did come with a stamp on their bottom that said "No artificial flavours or colourings")
'Did you breastfeed' (Did you?)
'Mine were 18 months apart so I know what it is like' (Um, no you don't- I'm sure your one month old wasn't eating solids at the same time as your toddler nor reach the milestone together of getting into absolutely everything? Ever tried carrying 2 squirming,screaming 18 month olds, who can't properly tell you what they want, on your hips?)

I could go on but I would need a whole day.......To be honest when I go out with Annabelle and Andrew I would just like to blend into the background.

So anyway, yesterday my parents, twins and I had a lovely day at the zoo. As we were leaving through the gates an international tourist holding a camera with a ginormous lens jumps out in front of the pram and starts happy snapping away at Annabelle and Andrew exclaiming 'Cute, Cute!' all the while completely oblivious to my 'Um, excuse me?' face.
Since when did having twins give people the right to see my kids as fair game for being photographed by complete strangers? Sure, it was all very innocent and I'm chuffed that Annabelle and Andrew were seen as so cute by the tourist but the experience left me feeling a bit hmmmm.....He could have at least asked????
I was going to start charging him $100 a snap!

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