Wednesday 30 November 2011

Free Chocolate and Biscuits - Gotta love that!

You know how much I love biscuits (as you saw in my last post) Well I looooove chocolate too. It gets me through the day...literally. So when you get the chance to pick up some free chocolate....!!! Try and score yourself some here... Win $300 worth of Chocolate! YUUUMMM!
In case you forgot to read my post about free biscuits here's the link to winning some!
Win $300 worth of biscuits!

Sorry Mr Cookie Monster....I know they are a sometimes food......

Oooouch!!! That was my head!

Is there such thing as insurance against things kids do to you??? If not I seriously think there should be! On a daily basis I am surprised I don't end up in the emergency ward with all my near misses. In all my years prior having children I've never been so 'beaten up'!! When you've got two little toddlers you can imagine the number of times I've nearly lost an eye!
I'll give you a few examples:

Meal Time
Whilst crouched down on all fours, cleaning up the fall out strewn all over the messy mat, the following incidences occur;
1. Food encrusted fingers (usually bolognaise) take a grip at my hair and nearly rip it out of my scalp. As I scream out in pain all I hear is little giggles.
2. I get smacked in the head with a water bottle as it gets thrown on the floor
3. As I look up to say hi a spoon clocks me right between the eyes as a disgruntled toddler refuses their meal (we're using metal ones now-perhaps I should revert back to plastic)
4. As I get up to rinse the sponge out I slip on a bit of rejected food, nearly do my ankle in, then stub my toe on the leg of the high chair.

Monday 28 November 2011

Meal Time

 Making Meal Time Easier
Deciding what to make can be a huge challenge especially when you have two babies/toddlers who have different tastes. I picked up my first puree book written by Annabel Karmel and it was so easy to use with its easy to read layout including age appropriate recipes, portion quantities,cooking time and storage recommendations.
In addition to Annabel's books I use a book by Nirelle Tolstoshev called Healthy Baby Food. Ironically Nirelle is a mother of twin boys. She herself has tried and tested the over 120 recipes (which taste good enough for the whole family to eat) on her sons.

Books listed below are written by Annabel Karmel.  I highly recommend any books written by Annabel! She has written an array of books ranging from babies first meals to foods the whole family can eat. I especially like the fussy eaters book. One of my twins is especially fussy and at times will only eat peanut butter toast! Disguising 'veggies' and the foods they would normally reject into yummy meals is made so much easier using Annabel's recipes.

Are they my Bridget Jones's?

'Helping' with the washing is one of Annabelle and Andrew's favourite activities. No sooner have I pegged the clothes on the airer they are happily unpegged and strewn around the lounge room. If my twins are feeling particularly helpful the clothes may find their way back to the airer where they are neatly 'stuffed' back on!
Annabelle in particular likes to collect an array of clothing items and carry them around with her or push them around in her pram.
The other day I was strapping Annabelle into her car seat when I noticed she was wearing an extra piece of clothing as a fancy necklace.Well....that is..... if you call a pair of my Bridget Jones's fancy!!! She looked so proud of herself. I was mortified- she'd walked to the car past several people who I'd stopped to have a chat. It truly was not a good look!
Suffice to say, I am now more wary of what pieces of clothing go missing on washing day and check Annabelle's ensemble before we leave the house!

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Cute twin stroller I wish I had!

Cute twin stroller! I wish I had this stroller but unfortunately they don't sell it in Australia.
I may have still been asked questions of whether or not Annabelle and Andrew are twins...but at least I wouldn't have been asked the questions such as 'Are they identical?' or 'Are they a boy or a girl?'
How cute is it. Even if you didn't have twins it'd be great to have.

Smiles and Hearty Giggles

I just put Annabelle and Andrew to bed. It took a while as I chased them both around their cots- a new game they've discovered. It's amazing how far they can get as they waddle around in their sleeping bag!When I finally caught up with Annabelle and picked her up she let out such a cute little giggle and squeal of delight. 
I love it when they giggle from the bottom of their tummies when they get 'pinned down' by the 'Tickle Monster' and get tickled all over. Or laugh when they get showered in kisses (I can get a bit carried away with this and the laughing can end up with a struggle to run away!). Or laugh in anticipation of getting caught as they run around the lounge in a game of chasings.
It's moments like these when I hear them laugh and giggle that all the difficult moments associated with raising twins seem to be forgotten. Especially when it's pouring rain outside-like it is right now- and you are stuck inside.

YYYUUMMMM free bikkies!!!

When you are running around trying to get through the day there's nothing like munching on biscuits! Anything chocolate, in fact anything biscuity, sweet and yummy gets me through. Especially when one little munchkin has their cranky pants on-double the dose if both of them do.
Bikkies have also become a way of bribing my little ones to actually stay still while I change their nappies.It's the only successful way I found without having to chase them around the room!(I know, I know, I'm starting bad habits)
So, anyway, what happens when you come across the opportunity to get your hands on free bikkie samples...well it just makes my mouth water thinking about it- and Annabelle's and Andrew's too!!! Well have a go. I am! Click on Free bikkies. Good luck!

Monday 21 November 2011

Andrew's little crush on Jen

How cute is this... Several weeks ago Andrew was flicking through a Myer catalogue- as you do- that I'd  left lying around. I sat down with him and pointed to the lady on the front cover telling him that it was Jennifer Hawkins. I cracked up when he started giggling..... So I pointed to her picture again and said 'That's Jennifer Hawkins' and once again he giggled. Now whenever I say 'Who do you love Jennifer Hawkins' he giggles.
He was half asleep in the car the other day and I mentioned Jennifer again. In my rear vision mirror I saw a little grin tugging at his mouth. Classic! Move over Daisy Duck!
Ahhhh, such great taste at only 18 months old!

Saturday 19 November 2011

Books that got me through pregnancy until now.

All of these books are bent now because I read and re read them so often. The two books I bought written by Kaz Cooke,who is a very well known comedian and cartoonist in Australia kept me laughing through pregnancy and beyond. Expectant dads will enjoy them too.

Up the Duff by Kaz Cooke - This book is absolutely hilarious. I read this book over and over again as I grew bigger and bigger during pregnancy and the early weeks. Kaz Cooke writes her book candidly based upon her pregnancy experience.From great tips on what to buy for baby, put in your hospital bag and dealing with your itchy tummy, shifting your big tummy past a table cloth in a restaurant without ripping it off (the table cloth that is) and dealing with the inevitable changes that go hand in hand with being pregnant, I couldn't help skipping ahead to see the next stages I was in for! I recommend this hilarious read as a gift to expectant mums-and dads.

What to Expect When You're Expecting and What to Eat When You're Expecting 4th Ed by Heidi Murkoff  - This book is a best seller for expectant parents. It is a very in depth book about as, the title suggests, what to expect during each stage of pregnancy and what to eat during each stage. There is a lot of helpful information in this book answering a lot of questions you wouldn't have even thought of. I'm pleased to find that the fourth edition of this book has an extended section for mums expecting multiples.

Kid Wrangling by Kaz Cooke - This is a follow up book by Kaz Cooke about how to tame our little ones! Take the parenting quiz and see how you fair! Read about how to tackle toddlers who believe they are the centre of the universe. Not just a book full of easy to read parenting information but another hilarious read that I'm sure you'll refer back to time and time again like I do!

Baby Love by Robin Barker -  This is one of Australia's best selling baby-care books. I often refer to this book to find out information pertaining to feeding (including breastfeeding, bottle feeding and solids), immunisation, sleep worries and settling my babies and illnesses. It's a really in depth and easy to read book.

Twins by Katrina Bowman and Louise Ryan - Before having twins I was fairly oblivious of what to expect. This book provides an insight into the lives of two mothers who had twins during and after their pregnancy's.The authors also draw upon the the very raw thoughts and feelings of mums and dads during various stages of pregnancy and beyond. It talks about the reality of having twins from sleepless nights, to bottle feeding and dealing/coping with raising twins. I went back to this book after Annabelle and Andrew were born and nodded my head many times thinking  ...aaaahhh that's what they were talking about when they mentioned that.You'll know what I mean when you read it.

Water, water everywhere!

It's another hot day again so I decided to provide a bit of water play time for Annabelle and Andrew. I have two options of where to set up - either take them onto the balcony 3 floors up in the scorching hot sun or inside on the carpet.

Please support OXFAM this Christmas.

If you are thinking of gifts to buy this Christmas why not consider supporting OXFAM. We are fortunate to be able to have access to clean water, food, education and even the opportunity to sit down at a computer and compose and read blogs. Please consider helping someone less fortunate this Christmas through OXFAM.

The purchases friend or loved one receives a card, showing how their gift can make a difference in the life of others The receiver of the gift can see where the donation goes – supporting Oxfam’s life-changing programs.

Please support OXFAM this Christmas by clicking here.

Um, excuse me?

I'm starting to get used to the fact that going out with Annabelle and Andrew can draw varied types of attention - the stares, the pointing, the whispers behind your back including such thoughtful comments people don't think you can hear like 'I'm glad I'm not having twins' or 'I'm glad that's not me'.
Parents of twins can relate to situations such as these and will tell you that it can be somewhat annoying sometimes.You can get asked a million and one questions;....

Friday 18 November 2011

Excellent Christmas Idea!

Hey everyone,
I know how much we all love taking photos-well I do anyway. My brother has used Snapfish several times in the past to get some really great calendars made up as Christmas presents. I'm going to do the same this year.It's easier than going to the shops to do it because you can sit at home in your pj's!

Last year I remember taking Annabelle and Andrew with me to get the Christmas card photos done up (you know the ones you send out to family and friends with a family picture or one of the kids on it at Christmas time) and I swear it took me 2 hours by the time I worked out how to stylise the photos font and design in addition to feeding,comforting and changing Annabelle and Andrew's unpleasant nappies part way through!

Anyway, Snapfish have some really great offers on at the moment including some freebies (nothing like a good freebie) which I'd love to share with you. Just make sure they can deliver to your address before you go to all the effort of making up your photos etc. Offers end soon so click on the pink 'Excellent Christmas Idea" below and enjoy!
Excellent Christmas idea!

Thursday 17 November 2011

The intergalatic shopping pram battle.

Shopping used to be one of my all time favourite past times. I'd rush around from one shop to another and back to one I'd already checked out. THEN, I had twins. Shopping? What is that? I can't even contemplate the thought of even ducking out to the shops these days. It is just too stressful a thought.

There are times though, when I have tried to go shopping with Annabelle and Andrew. It has started off all well and good until I decided to actually venture into a shop or department store. Picture this...

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Helllloooo is anybody out there?

Is there anybody out there reading my blog?

I'd love to hear from you!! How is your day going? Has it been hectic or just perfect? What would you like to hear about from me? Apart from my everyday ramblings...what topics would you like me to cover? Please leave me a comment or two.
It'd be great to hear from others who are or know of someone in the same situation or perhaps enjoy reading my ramblings.

Are you there Charley Bear?

I absolutely adore teddy bears and this is yet another one that I've added to my collection. Not only do I adore Charley Bear but so does Andrew and Annabelle.
Charley Bear is a cartoon we watch every morning over our oat breakfast. He's an adventurous little bear who has a vivid imagination. He sails the seas, dances to imaginary music, scales mountains and flies in planes. He is a cuddly little bear who enjoys his million kisses and cuddles a day.
I love it when I hear the catchphrase  "Are you there Charley Bear?". It means our cartoon is about to begin! Check him out here...Charley Bear

Riding the T3 lane

I have found that although having twins can take twice as long to get in the car the one big advantage is that you can get to your destination faster in peak hour traffic. How? Gotta love the T3 lanes that I used to envy as I drove to and from work before I had Annabelle and Andrew.
For overseas readers, T3 lanes are the lanes you must have 3 or more passengers in your car to qualify travelling in between certain hours. Mind you people still use these lanes with less people in their car but risk the possibility of being booked by the police.
Driving to and from my parents place on week days can be an absolute dream run as I pass the queue of traffic stuck in the 'non T3' lanes. It makes up for the 10 years it can take to actually get to the car and buckle up to wriggly toddlers.
Yes I do get the odd cross-browed stare from other commuters stuck in the other lanes who can't see Annabelle and Andrew below the back seat level. But what can I do? I earned my place in this lane!They'd agree too if they spent a day in my shoes!
I always wondered if I was able to use the T3 lane when I was pregnant seeing I was 'carrying' three people in my car!!

Monday 14 November 2011

Cranky Pants!

What is it with the cranky pants?? Why does Andrew get up in the afternoon and scream his little head off for an hour and chuck a million wobblies? Even his piece of plastic chocolate cake doesn't seem to help! Ahhh it drives me absolutely crazy! I try a cracker biscuit and it gets thrown at me, building a block tower ends up in a scattered! I think I may just have to get out those ear plugs!

Friday 11 November 2011

Chocolate cake is lost!

This morning started off with a crisis. Andrew could not find his chocolate cake. It had gone missing and he was most upset. I searched and searched but could not find it anywhere. Pineapple would not do, icecream would not do nor would a square piece of chocolate. There were tears aplenty and I was beginning to think the day was doomed......

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Nappy vs hot weather

It's a pretty hot day today. Thought I'd leave Annabelle and Andrew in just a nappy. Hmmm ... was a good idea to keep the sweaty betty's away until Emily came bumbling up to me announcing 'nap, nap, nap, nap'. So I look down and there she is standing rudie nudie with no nappy in sight. And then it happens... a little wee wee straight onto the carpet!! Oh dear!! as we would all say. So I grab the nearest towel..promise it wasn't the one I dry the dishes with... and begin mopping the floor. Grabbed a new nappy, chased her around the lounge and crash tackled her (gently) as I scrambled to replace the lost nappy - which I found proudly sitting amongst her toys...lovely.
Moral of the story..if you are going to leave just a nappy on remember to put a pair of shorts on to hide those pesky side tabs!

Hold my hand

Having two toddlers means having one little in each one of your big hands. Without a third hand it means you need to be extra creative in the way you manage your toddlers when you are out and about especially when you are trying to get them into the car. My number one tip is to teach them as soon as you can that they MUST hold your hand when you go out. If they let go to wander off then stop, take hold of their hand, don't let go and say in an assertive voice that you won't be going any further until they hold your hand.
You may feel like you are sounding like the biggest bossy boots on the planet but I think to myself I'd prefer to sound bossy than have something happen to them.  I gaurantee there will be tantrums at first. You will be left there with a screaming child or two... if they both have the same idea at the same time... laying on the ground refusing do budge...aaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!.
I live in a unit and have to take my toddlers down to the car using a common driveway (where the danger of cars is always an issue) and have used this technique and it seems to be working. They even reach up for my hand automatically to take hold of it when we are out. I promise you though that it doesn't work all the time...they are only toddlers.BUT I am sticking to this technique and hope it pays off!

Monday 7 November 2011


The concept of sharing can be difficult for some- right through to adult life-come on think of the last time there was only one Tim Tam left in the fridge!?!
So, when you are 18 months old the concept can be exceptionally difficult especially when egocentrism comes into play - the 'all about me syndrome'!When you have twins or are about to have twins there is always the thought that you need 2 of everything. Well in some cases I have come to the conclusion that you need 4 - one for each hand! But, in many cases I have found my son wants what my daughter wants and vice versa.
So, what do you do? Well we've tried the 'you have to share' route. It sometimes work. In many cases Annabelle gives up and just gives- or in some cases throws- the toy Andrew wants at him. She seems happy- he's delighted! I am impressed though when they quite happily share - so don't despair- sharing between twins can happen.
You just have to work on it ... we still are...and are hoping it pays off down the track.

Saturday 5 November 2011

It's nearly Christmas

So it's nearly Christmas and I need to buy some new toys. I've already bought a couple but they seem to have made their way out into the lounge room. I think there are some toys you can't do without when you are a mum of toddlers.
Blocks are great especially with twins- there are always more than two blocks. A little kitchen- although there may be a fight or two over the saucepan there are always a couple of roles to be had like the chef and the washer upperer!.
I must get a sand and water table too. I need to investigate which would be the best one. They just can't get enough of these when they are visiting a friend.
I love shakers too. You can make your own from empty water bottles filled with various objects such as rice and coloured pom pom balls  (watch for choking hazard here and make sure you super glue the cap on tight!).
 I'll get back to you with some more. I can hear another food fight!

Messy Mat and High Chairs

I love my messy mat, it saves my carpet from the every day food fights. I went and bought a length of vinyl from the shops and it has been my saviour ever since. What I don't love is cleaning the high chairs after this event. Who thought a piece of toast could get stuck there? I need to figure out a way to take the cover off and wash it. Who knows what is breeding? Perhaps a whole menu?

Oats on the wall

I was inspired to start writing a blog about being a twin mummy in a moment of cleaning oats off the wall. Spattered across the paint work aided by honey and sultanas my 18 month boy/girl twins had had a right royal time throwing -perhaps aiming- their delicious breakfast at my freshly painted walls.
With so many day to day craziness I thought that a blog diary would help me stay sane. Amongst the clutter of toys, last nights peas squished into the carpet I needed an outlet to let other mums especially those with twins know that although it may be crazy you can still have a laugh!