Wednesday 30 November 2011

Oooouch!!! That was my head!

Is there such thing as insurance against things kids do to you??? If not I seriously think there should be! On a daily basis I am surprised I don't end up in the emergency ward with all my near misses. In all my years prior having children I've never been so 'beaten up'!! When you've got two little toddlers you can imagine the number of times I've nearly lost an eye!
I'll give you a few examples:

Meal Time
Whilst crouched down on all fours, cleaning up the fall out strewn all over the messy mat, the following incidences occur;
1. Food encrusted fingers (usually bolognaise) take a grip at my hair and nearly rip it out of my scalp. As I scream out in pain all I hear is little giggles.
2. I get smacked in the head with a water bottle as it gets thrown on the floor
3. As I look up to say hi a spoon clocks me right between the eyes as a disgruntled toddler refuses their meal (we're using metal ones now-perhaps I should revert back to plastic)
4. As I get up to rinse the sponge out I slip on a bit of rejected food, nearly do my ankle in, then stub my toe on the leg of the high chair.

Play time
Where do I begin?
1. A block hits me in the head - blocks are oh so colourful but why are they made out of wood?
2. I get a kick to the tummy while I rumble (rumbling is suppose to be good for toddlers....)
3. An elbow always manages to find the bridge of my nose
4. I nearly do your ankle in as I tread on a toy car
5. I nearly end up through the window when I trip over a toy pram that was not there 5 seconds before

Getting into the car
1. I head my head on the rim of the car door as I try to bundle a kicking toddler into their seat (which brings me to my next incident...)
2. I manage to get kicked in the tummy again!
3. I do my back in as I twist it from one way to the other trying to strap a toddler in who's mission is to slide down out of their seat and turn onto their tummy at the same time

Going for a walk
1. My shoulder nearly pops out of it's socket when suddenly Annabelle or Andrew decide that it's no longer walkies time and sitting down seems like a better option
2. My back is once again put to the test as my only option is to carry either Annabelle or Andrew or both under my armpit like a sack of potatoes when they refuse to get up and walk.
3. If I decide to take the pram.....see points two and 3 of 'Getting into the Car'

These are just some of the incidences that can occur on a daily basis. I'm sure there are many more to experience...oh I can't wait...Mrs. Dentist here I come!

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to many of those but poor you having a double dose!!
