Useful Tips

This page is designed to bring you some useful tips I hope will help you!

#1 Measure the width between door frames before buying a pram
Often pram specifications state that they will 'fit through a standard size door'. I assumed that the width between our front door frames was standard and bought a pram accordingly. It was so frustrating after assembling the pram to find that it wouldn't fit through our front door by a mere centimetre. Thus, I was unable to put my twins into the pram whilst I was still in my unit.

So always measure the width between the door frame you are most likely to be entering and existing through before purchasing a pram. Don't rely upon your door frames being standard width.

#3 Use the cheaper nappies when at home and the more expensive ones when you go out.
You can save a lot of money by using a cheaper brand of nappies at home. Most cheaper nappies can withstand even moderate accidents. However, you may need to experiment with which cheaper brand suits your babies needs best. At least when you are at home another nappy is close by to change your little one into!

#2 Invest in a double breast pump
Buying a double breast pump was one of the best purchases I made. I bought the Medela Freestyle Breast Pump. Although more pricey than manual single pumps, when you have twins you will do anything to have expressing milk over and done with as quick as you can.
Instead of sitting around for ever using a manual single pump, the Medela Freestyle Breast Pump means you can have expressing over and done with in around 20 minutes. Whats more is you don't have to sit down because it is hands free. This can be really helpful if you have another child to attend to or you want to have a chat on the phone!

#4 Buy wipes in bulk when they're on special
There is nothing worse than running out of wipes....ok maybe running out of nappies is worse...Wipes never go astray and your babies will never grow out of them (unlike nappies which they can if you go crazy and buy them in too much bulk). Stock up on them when they're on special to save on trips to the shop.

#5 Keep a $20 note in your car at all times
You never know when you may need some money when you are out. You may need some more formula, some wipes, some nappies, milk, water, bread or even pay a toll road. Always replace the $20 note if you use it. This has saved me a lot of times.

#6 Keep spare bits and pieces in the car
You never know when you may run out of the house forgetting something - aahhh make that all the time for me.... Anyway try to keep some spare nappies, wipes, bibs, water bottles (suitable for your child), hats, sunscreen, plastic bags, a ball to throw around the park ( I know this may sound abstract but believe me when you're driving home and want to stop off at a park there's nothing like a ball to keep them amused!)