Thursday 17 November 2011

The intergalatic shopping pram battle.

Shopping used to be one of my all time favourite past times. I'd rush around from one shop to another and back to one I'd already checked out. THEN, I had twins. Shopping? What is that? I can't even contemplate the thought of even ducking out to the shops these days. It is just too stressful a thought.

There are times though, when I have tried to go shopping with Annabelle and Andrew. It has started off all well and good until I decided to actually venture into a shop or department store. Picture this...

 ...a side by side pram (not a beast but one of the narrowest ones on the market I could find), two sets of arms and legs flailing out the sides-often with one little hand clutching onto a vegemite sandwich. Off I go into a store hoping to find  a little something and then, BANG!, there it is right in front of me-one of those annoying tables beautifully cloaked with a chiffon table cloth on top of which is a display of precariously balanced perfumes and a few scattered petals. I scratch my head and look around for a path to negotiate around it. Do you think I can find one without getting the table cloth wrapped around the spokey dokey wheels? No, so as per usual I just walk out.

So I venture into another shop hoping for a little bit of reprieve. Do you think I get it here? No, this time I am faced with clothes racks stuffed full of the latest trends just waiting to be clutched by a couple of vegemite encrusted fingers. Sorry Mr shop owner, I stayed a little while and I may have just left a few crusts behind, under one of your racks that stood in my way (OOOPS!). I'm also sorry I didn't put back the clothes that got ripped off the hangers as I tried to de tangle the wheel of my pram from the base of one of your displays.

Has anyone who designs these shops ever considered its customers? Or perhaps they don't want people who have prams or wheelchairs to even venture in. If they did they wouldn't clutter up the aisle so much.
NOTE TO ALL SHOPS THIS FESTIVE SEASON AND BEYOND:Pleeeease consider your customers when setting up your store displays. Leave us a bit of room so we can negotiate your store with ease.
Thank you.

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