Wednesday 16 November 2011

Riding the T3 lane

I have found that although having twins can take twice as long to get in the car the one big advantage is that you can get to your destination faster in peak hour traffic. How? Gotta love the T3 lanes that I used to envy as I drove to and from work before I had Annabelle and Andrew.
For overseas readers, T3 lanes are the lanes you must have 3 or more passengers in your car to qualify travelling in between certain hours. Mind you people still use these lanes with less people in their car but risk the possibility of being booked by the police.
Driving to and from my parents place on week days can be an absolute dream run as I pass the queue of traffic stuck in the 'non T3' lanes. It makes up for the 10 years it can take to actually get to the car and buckle up to wriggly toddlers.
Yes I do get the odd cross-browed stare from other commuters stuck in the other lanes who can't see Annabelle and Andrew below the back seat level. But what can I do? I earned my place in this lane!They'd agree too if they spent a day in my shoes!
I always wondered if I was able to use the T3 lane when I was pregnant seeing I was 'carrying' three people in my car!!

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